Calvary’s Stained Glass Windows
The Calvary congregation is very proud of the 33 beautiful stained glass windows in the Sanctuary, plus individual panels on display in the Chapel and accessible walkway to the Sanctuary. The information that follows is based on a booklet written by Jean Chambers (d. Feb. 18, 2015) many years ago, which told the stories behind the stained glass windows and the people involved. Information was also obtained in a binder that Don Tuckey (d. Aug. 13, 2019) put together. These stories make a connection to the people to whom the windows are dedicated as well as to the people who made the gift of a window. They have all been a part of the life of Calvary’s congregation and their generous donation provides a beautiful setting for worship to take place. Thank you to our summer intern, Heather Meatherall, for her excellent work in putting these web pages together.
NEW - Presentation of the West Wall and stairwell windows by Ruthanne McLagan.
Behold the Lamb of God, given by the congregation and other friends in memory of Rev. Dr. Elgin G. Turnbull, 1903-1967.
Location: Centre South - Upper
Link to bulletin from the service commemorating the window installation Page 1
Link to bulletin from the service commemorating the window installation Page 2
The largest window on the South Side was dedicated on April 14, 1968, in appreciation of the work and in memory of Dr. Elgin G. Turnbull by the congregation and many other friends.
Dr. Turnbull was born in Sarnia, Ontario. He was educated in Lambton and Sarnia. He also taught at Stratford normal school before furthering his education.
He trained for ministry at Queen’s University in Kingston and received a B.A. and B.D. while there. Queen’s University honoured him with an honorary Doctorate in 1958.
He was ordained by the London conference in 1928. His charges included Deer Park United Church in Toronto, Wesley United Church in Fort William, Knox United Church in Edmonton, Central United Church on Sault Ste Marie, and Calvary United Church in London.
His ministry was busy and widespread. He was the chairman of Presbytery four times, the president of both London Conference and London Council of Churches. He was also a delegate to W.C.C. at Evanston, ILL and was a member of Study of Union with the Anglican Church.
Dr. Turnbull died in 1967 while still Calvary’s minister.
The Four Seasons, dedicated to the Garnet and Florence Hutchison families.
Location: Upper North Wall
Link to sermon on the occasion of the window dedication
The Hutchinsons lived across the street from Mountsfield School for many years. Florence descended from the Talbot family of Ireland. Garnet Hutchinsons worked for Shell Oil. They were not involved in the formal workings of the church, but were very supportive of its ministry. They had two sons, one who died in a car accident and Tim who continues to attend church events. The window was a major donation at the time.
The Crest of the United Church , memorial to Florence Johnston, 1867-1955
Location: Upper North Wall
This represents the 3 denominations. The I.E. Fish, which is the Greek Letter Chi, represents the early church, as is the traditional symbol for the person of Christ. The Open Bible represents Congregationalism, the dove represents Methodism and the burning bush represents Presbyterianism. The Alpha and Omega, which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, symbolizes the eternal living God (Rev. 1: 8). The words around the crest are United Church of Canada and Omnes Unumsint – meaning “That all may be one”. This represents that we are a United and Uniting Church.
This window is in memory of Mrs. Johnston, who moved from Innerkip, Ontario in 1918 and lived on Windsor Ave for many years. She was active in the congregation alongside her husband, E.M. Johnston (See Descending Dove window). Her family included a son named James and a daughter named Donna, who married Maitland Muma and had a son, “Ted” E.C. Muma.
The Descending Dove, memorial toe. M. Johnston, 1870-1931
Location: Upper North Wall
The dove in the window Descending Dove, represents the holy spirit (Mark 1:10).
This window is in memory of Mr. Johnston, husband of Florence Johnston. Mr. Johnston operated the Ontario Creamery opposite the Covenant Market, which was later demolished in 1988. He was active in the congregation alongside his wife.
Dedicated in 1939.
The Holy Family, given by the Young People’s Union in 1948 and dedicated to all mothers
Location: Lower North Wall Front
On the north side of the sanctuary, located below the window of the Crest of the United Church, The Holy Family and was given by the Young People’s Union to honour mothers. Money was raised for it despite post-war conditions.
Rev. Lyndon Lawson was the minister at the time.
The window was dedicated in 1948.
The Good Shepherd, in memory of Rev. Robert Hosking, 1855-1928
Location: Lower North Wall Right
Rev. Robert Hosking was never a minister at Calvary, but retired here in 1919. Born in Cornwall, England in 1855 he came to Canada in 1890. He was ordained in Guelph Conference Methodist Church and served in that area – Arva and Thamesford.
In 1939 this window, the Johnston window, and the Horney window were dedicated by Rev. A.E.M. Thomson.
Communion, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Horney in 1939 and dedicated by retired minister A.E.M. Thomson
Location: South Front Upper
Mr. and Mrs. Horney lived and farmed in Exeter area until the 1920’s.
They moved to London in 1927 and went to Centennial United Church until 1931 . At that time they bought a home on Ridout Street between Garfield and Windsor. They were active in Calvary; He was an elder: she was a life member of W.M.S.
In 1939, this window was dedicated by Rev. A.E.M. Thomson, a former Minister.
Mrs. Horney died in 1942 and Mr. Horney in 1949. Their only daughter, Mary, remained involved at Calvary.
Baptism, donated by Bob and Sam Edwards of Edwards Glass Company; (1939)
Location: South Front Upper
A symbolic window presenting Baptism.
This window is a gift of Bob and Sam Edwards who came from England in 1911 and settled near Union, Ontario. Bob served overseas in the First Great War (1914-1918), where he was severely wounded. When he returned, he settled in South London and became an active and valued member of Calvary. He will be remembered as reading the honour roll with Mr. Donald Tuckey on Remembrance Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Edwards were also members of Calvary.
Bob worked at Hobbs Glass Co. for a short time. Eventually he and brother Sam formed Edwards Glass Co. This firm has produced and help plan all of Calvary’s windows.
The Light of the World, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bright, 1939
Location: South Lower Left
Little is known about Mrs. Bright except that she lived on Langarth St. and was very elderly when Rev. D. MacTavish started the window project. When she died her daughters, Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Jardine, put this window in as a memorial to their parents.
The Gleaner, donated by the Women’s Association in memory of Mrs. Ethel Coates
Location: South Lower Left
The window called The Gleaner depicting a biblical scene was donated by the Women’s Association in memory of Mrs. Ethel Coates.
Mrs. Coates was born in Tilbury and spent her early years in Chatham. Moving to London, she lived in London West and then spent the rest of her life on Wortley Rd. at the end of Garfield Ave. She took an active part in all the life of the church, but particularly The Ladies Aid, and The Women’s Association, which she organized and was serving as its president when she died. The window is a tribute to her faithful work.
There were three children in the family – Margaret, Keith and Bill.
When you hear the honour roll read on Remembrance Day, the Keith Coates killed in action was her son.
Abraham, in memory of William R. Smith, 1911-1977
Moses, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wray and family, dedicated in 1955.
David, dedicated to the memory of Dr. A.H. Brown, 1861-1951
Location: Center South Wall Lower
Link to the news article about window unveiling
This window was dedicated in memory of Dr. A. H. Brown, B.A, B.D., M.A., S.T.D, LL.D, D.L.H by his wife in 1955.
Dr. Brown was born in Lambton county in 1861, into a farming family. He and two brothers became ministers.
Dr. A. H. Brown was ordained in 1893 in the Methodist Church. His first charge was in Oxford County. There he met and married Annie Livingston, a relative of the famous Dr. Stanley Livingston. Dr. Brown served the church on Pelee Island, Kerwood, Belgrave, Oil Springs, Varna, Merlin, Ailsa Craig, Arkona, Morpeth and S. Woodslee, Trowbridge and Walton. He retired in 1926 and lived on Chester Street, becoming very active at Calvary Church until his death at the age of 90 in 1951.
Elijah, given in honour of the 50th anniversary of United Church union by Dr. H.W. and Eva Treffy, dedicated April 25, 1975
Location: Center South Wall Lower
The Elijah window was given in honour of the 50th anniversary of the union which produced the United Church of Canada and was dedicated on April 25, 1975.
Dr. Treffry was born on May 3, 1891 in Howard City, Michigan. He was ordained in 1927 into the United Church and retired in 1961.
Mrs. Treffry was born in Melbourne, Ontario on Jan. 6, 1894.
After retirement they lived in London, joining Calvary in 1968. They were faithful attendees at Church as long as health permitted.
Dr. Henry Warren Treffry died May 8, 1978. Mrs. Eva Treffry died October 21, 1979.
St. Matthew, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bainard
Location: Center North Lower
St. Matthew is a memorial window in memory of the Bainards. Frank and Edna came to Calvary in 1920 and for 46 years were devoted to the life of Calvary Church and its wider mission.
Mr. Bainard served on the official board. He is remembered as a general superintendent of the Sunday School - from 1924 to 1933. Following that he taught a young men’s bible class. This class was very lively and played in a city volleyball league, using South Collegiate for practice and games.
Mrs. Bainard was active in the W.M.S. She organized a group of young women into a Sunday school class called the “Helping Hands”. Some of these ‘young women’ were Elsie Ramsay, Lucille Parker, Irene Muma, Greta Tuckey, Lida Wilson and Nellie Sproule. They met on Sunday but also mid-week when their main activity was quilting. Many of these quilts went into ‘hope chests’ and travelled far from the Calvary Church with happy families. Many others went into bales for foreign missions. Some of the original members, and others continued to meet after Mrs. Bainard’s death and became known as the ‘Edna Bainard Class’.
Mr. Bainard died in 1966 and Mrs. Bainard only a few days later. The window was donated by their two children – Mrs. Betty Finch and Allen Bainard.
St. Mark, in memory of Mrs. Carrie Bradshaw and her daughter Mary
Location: Center North Lower
The window of St. Mark is a memorial to Miss Mary Bradshaw and her mother, Mrs. Carrie Bradshaw. The Bradshaws lived in West Nissouri Township into the late 1800’s and then in St. Marys, Ontario.
After the death of her husband in 1910, Mrs. Bradshaw moved the family to a London to a house at the corner of Briscoe and Ridout Street – a house designed by a son who was an architect.
Mary managed a ladies clothing show known as The Richmond Shop for many years.
They attended church regularly and were familiar figures in South London. Mrs. Bradshaw died in 1937, and Mary Bradshaw in 1974 – the year that the window was dedicated.
St. Luke, dedicated in 1976, in memory of Wayne Scott, by his family
Location: Center North Lower
The lovely window of St Luke was dedicated on November 15, 1976 to the memory of Wayne Scott, son of Walter and Pauline.
Wayne was an active member of Calvary Church and worked in the Sunday School office as secretary, and sometimes as a teacher.
Lightning killed Wayne in 1968, at just 19 years of age.
This window is dedicated to his memory by his loving family.
St. John, in memory of Rev. and Mrs. J.E.J. Millyard. Dedicated in 1955
Location: Center North Lower
Link to news article about the window unveiling
The St. John window is a memorial to Rev. J.E.J. and Mrs. Millyard. Rev. Millyard was ordained in 1900 and served the church in many cities and towns in Ontario for more than 50 years including Embro, Hensal, Listowel, Kingsville, Sarnia, Peterborough and Hyatt Ave United in London. When he retired from active ministry, they settled in South London and were part of the Calvary congregation.
Calling the Disciples, a gift of the Tuckey family in 1984
Location: West Wall
Elmore and Greta Tuckey came to Calvary around 1928 or 29, and became active in the congregation. Mr. Tuckey was an elder and a trustee for many years. Mrs. Tuckey was active in the Women’s Group.
The Tuckeys opened the local Hardware Store in 1949.
Their son Don and his wife Eleanor remained active at Calvary until their deaths.
Don and Eleanor had 2 sons, David and Kenneth, and a daughter, Barbara. David continues to manage Tuckey’s Hardware.
Singspiration, donated by the members of Singspiration in 1982
Location: West Wall
Link to the bulletin from the presentation and dedication of the window page 1
Link to the bulletin from the presentation and dedication of the window page 2
A stained-glass window is a masterpiece of beauty and symbolism. The love and dedication expressed by Singspiration in song is now and forever made visual in the lasting beauty of the window
Two choir members appear in the window. The girl is wearing concert dress and the boy is in the costume of the Spirit performance. These figures represent the many voices that have been part of the choir. The flute and guitar symbolize the instrumental music that was an integral part of Singspiration.
Jesus supports the choir members, his hand on their shoulders to guide them. On his cloak is a clasp containing the letters IHS. This is monogram for In His Service. The cross symbolizes his sacrifice and gift of eternal life. The church symbolizes the dedication and fellowship of all its members that serve as Singspiration’s foundation. The outdoor setting represents the beauty of God’s nature and our appropriate thankfulness.
The symbol of the Holy Spirit as a dove crown the entire composition. The action of the Holy Spirit in the early Christian Church was the subject of the Spirit musical performed in concert by Singspiration. The Holy Spirit is the divine presence that fills Singspiration with a voice of singing.