August 25, 2021: Going Green as a Household

DID YOU KNOW .... that Going Green as a household and working together as a team can make many of us more effective, although the people that we live with can sometimes be the hardest to green.

  • Talk about environmental concerns with your family

  • Make it a family challenge. Kids love the competition and often know more than we think they do.

  • Do a scavenger hunt around the home (your neighbourhood). Check out how much single use plastic is in your refrigerator, kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Are we unplugged? Are we wasting water? Are lights left on, etc.?

  • Are you the most Eco Friendliest person in your home?

  • Ask each person in your family to contribute at least one new house rule.

  • Write the new rules down and post for all to see.

  • Set a date for the rules to begin.

If your family likes competition, make it a challenge with a prize or incentives. Whoever’s rule saved the most water or whose rule created less recycling, etc. wins the prize.

1. Appreciate that most people are doing their best.

2. Connect over values you share.

3. Discuss what worked. What changes you will implement in your newer green lifestyle.

4. Keep conversation going. Monthly reviews. New challenges.

We are all on the Green Living Journey

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