June 14, 2022
Watercolour Class at CHAMPION
Calvary Compass – June 14, 2022 - Calvary United Church, www.calvaryuc.ca
Dear Friends of Calvary,
Next Sunday, June 19th, will be our last Church School class until Sunday, September 11th which is Gathering Sunday. However there will be paper and crayon activities at the back for the children to do during summer services.
In the latest communication from Middlesex-London Public Health referring to Dr. Kieran Moore's, the Chief Medical Officer for Ontario, statement on June 11th about masking, "organizations may implement their own policies " in regards to the wearing of masks. Keeping with that directive, our Council Members decided that the wearing of masks is "strongly recommended" during worship services and any activities within the church. Even though the reported Covid counts are low in our community, the virus is still present and we want to keep people as safe as possible.
There will continue to be masks available for those who forget to bring their mask.
Worship Services are all live-streamed:
• June 19th - https://youtu.be/GiwGE6u39hQ
• June 26th - https://youtu.be/BFcCqRY6jAM
Recorded service for June 12th - https://youtu.be/VUkwwv4ZnJ4
Thank you to Ruthanne McLagan for leading us in another beautiful Calvary Green Service on June 5th. We learned some important facts on the benefits of our pollinator garden.
On that note, we still need your help in watering over the summer months ( mid July, August and September still have openings.)
40-60 minutes of your time once during the week you select ...flexible on your day and your time ..rain fall will determine the day needed. A simple procedure with 3 functional rain barrels, new hoses and several water cans. Weeding is not necessary, but greatly appreciated if you have a few spare minutes.
Thank you again for your ongoing support of our recycling projects.
Green Sacred Spaces London (GSS) on Tuesday, June 21st is celebrating National Indigenous Solidarity Day and the Summer Solstice by holding another drumming circle on the front steps of First St. Andrews U.C. -350 Queens Ave. at Waterloo - 5 - 6:30 pm. Guest drummers will offer Persian, Brazilian, Central American and World music traditions. An all family event! Bring your drums and any percussion instruments and celebrate with us. We will end with a collective drumming circle.
To watch via Zoom, please contact (lysegeldard@rogers.com) and a link will be sent to you.
Also supported by GSS - Check out the amazing Art Murals on the east side of Richmond Street Underpass - 13 digital murals under plexiglass "Connected in Chaos" by local diverse artists in our community. A walk through the underpass is recommended (QR codes on each panel will provide artist's info) Bring ear plugs as it does get noisy in the underpass.
Also available to log on (social arts.ca) for a virtual tour.
A similar project is planned for the Wellington underpass at a future date and possibly the west side of Richmond underpass as well.
If you are able, please remember to pick up some non-perishable breakfast foods to donate to the London Community Chaplaincy. There are containers in the hallway for your donations.
The Bazaar Committee is hoping to have an actual bazaar in our lower hall and meeting room this November. Soon the fresh fruits and vegetables will be available in your gardens and the stores. If you are planning to make any jams, jellies, relishes or other preserves, please plan to make some additional ones for our bazaar. They will be greatly appreciated.
If you have jars that you do not need, please drop them off in the boxes provided in the parking lot alcove so that others can fill them with jams, jellies, relishes or other preserves. Thank you very much!
"Creative Hands and Minds in Our Neighbourhood" continues for those 55 plus on Wednesdays 1 - 4 pm. This week will be our last official meeting until the Fall. Ruthanne McLagan will be continuing with her instruction of watercolour painting this week.
We still have another bedroll to knot and sew for our knotters. The remaining bedrolls that we have made will be delivered to one of the service agencies in late June or July.
Tables will be set up for playing cards or board games.
Indigenous Solidarity Day
Tuesday, June 21st is the 26th Indigenous Solidarity Day celebrating First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities and celebrations will also take place in Wortley Village.
Festivities will be held on The Green in Wortley Village starting with a sunrise ceremony at 6 am.
From noon to 4 pm there will be singers, dancers, food, community service providers and more.
Come join our sisters and brothers in this celebration. All are welcome!
On Monday, June 13th, a number of people received an email that looked like it was sent from Rev. Kerry asking for money or gift cards. It was a fake or scam email that was sent by someone that was an imposter. If you receive an email asking for money or gift cards from Rev. Kerry or anyone from Calvary, please call the office to verify if it is a legitimate request. Please do not act on it.
We are checking with the church’s email provider as to how the scammer would have many of your email addresses, since Rev. Kerry has never used a gmail account to communicate with the congregation. Rev. Kerry apologies for any confusion this may have caused however it is a reminder to always be on the lookout for imposters and scammers who will solicit your help through email, especially since it looks like your minister is asking for the money or gift card for a good cause. Also, if Rev. Kerry were to ask for money or gift cards for himself, he would ask for approval from your church council and that request would be made during Sunday’s announcements and through the Calvary Compass.
Please be aware that illegitimate scammers and some posing as ministers will use fake emails to try and get your money.
Note that Rev. Kerry’s email address is:
Calvary Catalyst
The summer edition of the Calvary Catalyst will be emailed on Wednesday, June 9th. Copies have already been mailed to those we don’t have email addresses for.
Bible Study:
Thursdays: 11:00 am - 12 Noon
Scripture Reading: Galatians 3: 23 - 29
Psalm for the Week:
Psalm 42 (selected verses)
As a deer longs for flowing streams,
so my soul longs for you O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
Prayer for the Week:
God of truth and love,
you are the fountain of all wisdom,
Give us the ability to make the most of our days.
Enable us to resound the songs of faith so we
may serve others with our entire being.
This day and everyday. Amen.