June 7, 2022
The Gathering on the Green on June 4, 2022
Calvary Compass – June 7, 2022 - Calvary United Church, www.calvaryuc.ca
Dear Friends of Calvary,
Summer time is coming and you may want to pick up some interesting books to read over the summer. The church library is always open after church services on Sunday. I know that Darlene Sanderson would be able to help you find some good books or videos.
Our last Sunday for formal children's church will be Sunday, June 19th. However, there will be paper and crayon activities at the back for our children to do during the summer services.
A reminder that this Sunday is Trinity Sunday and the Sacrament of Communion will be celebrated as well as a benevolent collection will be received. You are welcome to bring your own elements.
Worship Services are all live-streamed:
• June 12th - https://youtu.be/VUkwwv4ZnJ4
• June 19th - https://youtu.be/GiwGE6u39hQ
• June 26th - https://youtu.be/BFcCqRY6jAM
Recorded service for June 5th - https://youtu.be/djErXNoUCV0
Gathering on the Green
Last Saturday was a wonderful community event with lots of venders and activities for children and adults. Thank you to all who volunteered to help with Calvary's booth. The children and adults enjoyed trying to answer all of Phil's geography questions, the children enjoyed Ruthanne's painting craft and a few of our Calvary cookbooks were sold. Rev. Kerry encouraged many of those in attendance to come to our 10:30 am services or try out some of our activities.
Thank you to all of the gardeners who have planted the beautiful gardens. If you have not taken an opportunity to check them out, please take some time to do so.. They really are beautifying our outside.
If you are able to help with the watering of the gardens with our new pollinator plants this summer, please contact one of the following:
• lysegeldard@rogers.com
• kbbutt@gmail.com
• marlenemwyatt@gmail.com
They will let you know what weeks are still open and what your responsibilities entail.
If you are able, please remember to pick up some breakfast foods to donate to the London Community Chaplaincy. There are containers in the hallway for your donations.
"Creative Hands and Minds in Our Neighbourhood" continues for those 55 plus on Wednesdays from 1-4 pm. This Wednesday, Ruthanne will continue with the second of the three sessions of watercolour painting. Even if you were unable to attend the first session, come out and learn some new techniques.
Tables will be set up for playing cards or board games. We seem to be at the end of the bedroll-making until the Fall.
Wednesday June 15th will be our last official meeting until the Fall.
Indigenous Solidarity Day
Tuesday, June 21st is the Annual Indigenous Solidarity Day celebrating First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities.
Festivities will be held on the Green in Wortley Village starting with a sunrise ceremony at 6 AM
From noon to 4 pm, there will be singers, dancers, food, community service providers and more.
Come join our sisters and brothers in this celebration. All are welcome.
London Pride Parade
The London Pride Parade is happening Sunday, July 24th starting at 12 Noon. Several of the United Churches are planning to participate as a unit in this parade including Calvary and Wesley-Knox. Rev Kerry and Kathie Leigh plan to be part of Calvary's participants. Further information will be forthcoming closer to the date. Kathie Leigh will be the point person for Calvary.
Meetings this Week
• CHAMPION - Wednesday at 1 pm
• Worship Committee – Wednesday at 7:30 pm
• Bible Study - Thursday at 11 am on Zoom
Bible Study
Thursdays: 11:00 am - 12 Noon
Scripture Reading: John 16: 12-15
Psalm for the Week:
Psalm 9 (selected verses from the Inclusive Bible translation)
I will praise you, Creator God, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all your marvelous works!
I will be glad and rejoice in you,
I will sing praise to your Name, Most High!
Prayer for the Week:
God of all ages,
we praise you for those that we have known and loved,
and pray that we, with them,
may always follow in the way of Christ.
Praise be to you, most holy One. Amen.