September 20, 2022
Orange Shirt Day on Sunday, September 25.
Calvary Compass – September 20, 2022 - Calvary United Church,
Dear Friends of Calvary
We have watched or been made aware of the late Queen Elizabeth's death, 10 days of mourning and her very well orchestrated funeral and internment. It was very touching to see so many people from so many different nations and religions join together to pay tribute to her. Hopefully the feeling of joining together will continue as we need to help each other through the wars, natural disasters, and conflicts that seem to be happening all over the world right now.
The Blessing and Dedication of the gardens is this Sunday. Thank you to those who have planted, nurtured and watered the gardens throughout the Spring, Summer and now the Fall.
This Sunday, Calvary will observe Orange Shirt Day so wear something orange if you have it.
Worship Services are all live-streamed:
• September 25 -
• October 2 -
Recorded service for September 18 -
Calvary has supported the CFGB, through the Caradoc Growing Project for many years.
World hunger is growing.
According to the UN, over 828 million people are facing food insecurity, and 98% of them live in developing countries. Climate disasters such as the flood in Pakistan or drought in east Africa, and military conflict as seen in Syria contribute to this continuing need.
In the beginning, CFGB shipped grain harvested from Canadian farms, to those in need in bags such as the one located at the front of the sanctuary. Over time, it was decided that sourcing grain closer to the areas in need was more efficient and cost effective. Fundraising in Canada was the better way to go. Working with over 100 international partners in over 70 countries, the CFGB works to ease the suffering of our global neighbours.
Your financial support would be greatly appreciated. Donation envelopes are available at the front and back of the sanctuary. These envelopes can be put into the offering plates located in the sanctuary. Alternately, donation envelopes can be deposited through the mail slot next door to the education wing of the church at the south end of the building.
Please make sure to make the cheque payable to "Canadian Foodgrains Bank" and NOT Calvary. Canadian Foodgrains will issue tax receipts, NOT the church office.
Write "Caradoc Growing Project" in the Memo line in the bottom left hand corner of the cheque.
E-transfer of donations is also possible. E-transfer to It is imperative that your full address and postal code be included in the message box in order to receive a tax receipt.
Please indicate donation is from Calvary United Church.
Please send your donation by November 1st, 2022.
Unfortunately, again this year, the Outreach Committee does not feel that they can hold the Annual Harvest Dinner in support of CFGB. However, frozen vegetarian entrees will be sold at the upcoming Calvary bazaar scheduled for Saturday November 5th. Profits from the sale of these items will be forwarded to CFGB so please leave some space in your home freezer for some yummy food.
If your plan is to send money to CFGB for the flooding in Pakistan, the Canadian Government will match it if you send it on or before September 28th. These donations should be sent directly to CFGB and NOT deposited at Calvary.
Canadian Foodgrain Bank
Box 767
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 2L4
Thank you for your financial support!
As an added piece of information, Bonnie McNichol has been successful in her application to participate in "Hunger on the Hill". She will join other supporters of CFGB from Across Canada in Ottawa in mid October. Participants will learn about the importance of advocacy in addressing the major challenges of hunger throughout the world. They will have an opportunity to meet and discuss issues directly with MPs who make decisions about Canada's role in enhancing food security in impoverished countries.
Calvary wants to welcome our new custodian - Patrick Brophy. Patrick has made a point of saying hello to people that he has already met at the church. He is very approachable and friendly. Welcome Patrick!
Looking for Ushers
As increasing numbers of Calvary members return to in-person worship this fall, we will need ushers. Some of our former ushers have retired and if you‘re not or never have been an usher please consider volunteering. You need to arrive 30 minutes before worship, and serve no more than once a month, or less. It’s an opportunity to meet, greet, and talk to people you know or people you didn’t know, and get caught up on what has been happening over the summer—or maybe over the entire covid time. If you think you might be interested, please contact Kim in the church office.
A very special "Thank You" to the Johnston family for the construction and kind donation of our two raised herb boxes. We have placed them in our pollinator gardens knowing that our congregation and the surrounding community will enjoy benefits for many years to come.
Please remember that next Sunday, close to the end of the worship service, the congregation will meet outside, weather permitting, so that Rev. Kerry can bless and dedicate our gardens.
Garden Dedication
JOIN US on Sunday, September 25th for Rev. Kerry's Garden Dedication and Blessing. Weather permitting, we plan on ending our worship service outside in the garden.
Orange Shirt Day
On Sunday, September 25 Calvary will observe Orange Shirt Day which is held annually Canada-wide on September 30, when Canadians are encouraged to wear an orange shirt to show solidarity with aboriginal Canadians who are residential school survivors, or the children or grandchildren of survivors. If you don’t have an orange shirt and would like to have one to wear, we suggest the Atlohsa store, 240 Richmond St at Horton St, across from the Labatt brewery. There’s convenient parking right in front. If you wish you can call ahead at 519 430 8377.
The Outreach Committee would like to thank the congregation for their ongoing support of the London Community Chaplaincy's food pantry collection. In connecting with them recently, they are requesting the following items:
-small bags of rice
-pasta sauce (regular and alfredo)
-canned vegetables (peas, carrots, corn)
-canned soup - cream of chicken or mushroom or "chunky" soup
-crackers and school snacks
-pancake mix and syrup
-peanut butter and jam
-canned tuna
-Tuna Helper
-Kraft dinner
Please bring items to the church and leave in the bins in the hallway to the sanctuary. We will collect until November 6th. Thank you!
Our start up date is Tuesday, Sept 27th at 1:00 pm in the church parlour. Come out for some coffee/tea, dessert and some rounds of bridge. New players are welcome. Call if you need a partner. Pick up your schedule and pay your $20 dues for the year.
Calvary Catalyst
Coming Soon! The Calvary Catalyst has been mailed to those without email, and will be emailed out on Thursday, September 22nd.
Meetings this Week
* Trustees Meeting - Tuesday at 7:30 pm via Zoom
* CHAMPION - Wednesday at 1 - 3:30 pm
* Church Council Meeting - Wednesday at 7:00 pm via Zoom
* Bible Study - Thursday at 11:00 am via Zoom
* Book Club - Monday at 7:30 pm via Zoom
Bible Study
Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon
Scripture reading - Psalm 91 VU 807; 1 Timothy 6: 6-19
Psalm for the Week
Psalm 91: 14-16 from the Message translation
“If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,
“I’ll get you out of any trouble.
I’ll give you the best of care
if you’ll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I’ll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!”
Prayer for the Week
adapted from Cry to the Earth
Creator God, grant us the wisdom to care for the earth.
Help us to always act for the good of future generations and all your creatures.
Help us to become instruments of a new creation,
founded on the covenant of your love.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.