June 29, 2021: Clean Water
DID YOU KNOW . . . As Canadians, most of us take our clean water for granted (after all we have 20% of the world’s fresh water). Some scientists say our fresh water is dwindling at an alarming rate due to the impact of climate change and human activities. Let’s face it … We all waste water.
AS A REMINDER . . . And always worth repeating ….
For cold water keep a pitcher in the refrigerator to avoid running taps.
Carry you own refillable water bottle.
You may want to consider a home water purification system.
Wash full loads of clothes in cold water, shortest cycle, and don’t add an additional rinse cycle.
Use Dryer on lower setting. If possible hang clothes to dry.
Dishwasher (full loads) on quick cycle, avoid the pre rinse, rinse hold, heat dry cycles, open the door after the final rinse and let air dry .
Use leftover rinse water (grey water) in sink to water plants.
Turn off water while brushing teeth, shaving etc.
Bath vs showers 35 gallons ( bath) vs 12 gallons (5 minute shower)
Take shorter showers. Use less tub water.
Check for water leaks indoors and out ( toilets, sinks, water heater, hoses and sprinklers). even a small leak (one drop per second) wastes about 795 litres/month
Invest in automatic faucets, low-flow aerators on faucets and shower heads .
When you need to replace old appliances, purchase water saving / energy efficient models (such as. low-flush toilets)
Invest in rain barrels for outdoor water use
Water wisely …plants and lawns in morning or evening when temps are cooler to reduce evaporation
Garden mulch reduces the need for water