Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Welcome to the first edition of Calvary Compass which represents the new format for our weekly Calvary email. Thank you to Bev and Barry Reed for suggesting the name. Thank you also to the many who sent suggestions for the new name. We hope that you will like the new format and enjoy reading all of the news items. The new logo is designed by Bruce Jones.

Please remember that masks are still required at church, but you can now enter and leave by the various doors, especially for Worship Services. There is no signing in and vaccinations are preferred, but not required. Stay safe and healthy!

Worship Services are all live-streamed:

•           March 20 -  https://youtu.be/iIw6Ta_llSo

•           March 27 - https://youtu.be/y3x0LQiTmSE


Recorded service for March 13 - https://youtu.be/UIRaYD8ZVtk


CHAMPION - "Creative Hands and Minds Programme in our Neighbourhood" will continue every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 pm. EVERYONE who is 55 plus is encouraged to come out and see what it is all about. Bring your friends. Card tables will be set up for those who wish to play a game or just sit and chat. We will still have the bedrolls for the homeless to be worked on. Coffee, tea, cold drinks and cookies will be provided. We encourage your input as to what activities or things you would like us to do in the future. Do not hesitate to say something to the organizers - Rev. Kerry Stover, Ruthanne McLagan, Nancy Hind, Kristen Goodman and Mary Kannakko.

Easter Flowers in memory of a loved-one:

 Calvary is purchasing 25 hydrangeas for use on Easter Sunday. You can purchase one or more for $30 each in memory of a loved-one and have the name included on a Memorial slide that will be displayed during the Easter service. Since only 25 are available, if your wish to participate please contact the church office quickly by email or phone. Cheques are payable to Calvary United Church and write “Easter Flowers” in the note section.

Easter Catalyst

Submission deadline for the Easter Catalyst is: Monday, March 21st, 2022. All articles, photos, inspiration, poems, reports, updates, letters to the editor, announcements, book reviews, etc. are welcome. Send your submissions to scouterbruce@rogers.com.

UCW Meeting - All are invited to "Potatoes rather than Lucky Charms" a UCW meeting in the parlour on Thursday March 17th at 2 pm. Join us in-person or by Zoom and wear a bit of green if you have some. Please RSVP to Ruthanne at r.mclagan@hotmail.com or 519-652-5580 to let her know if you are joining in-person or by Zoom.

CALVARY GREEN - SPRING into GREEN  ACTION with a little Red!

Did you know that 2022 has been designated as "Canada's Year of the Garden" by the Canadian Garden Council? Kick off is March 20th, the first day of Spring. Everyone is encouraged to plant RED FLOWERS including some native pollinator plants. Plants offer some environmental, economic, cultural, health and wellness benefits. For more information visit gardenscanada.ca.

Our March 20th Worship Service will be dedicated to our Green initiatives here at Calvary. All Calvary Green will be participating. Our first Green service will celebrate our beautiful planet and its Creator. Come out and wear Green.

Take the CEAP PLEDGE (climate emergency action plan, a London City Council initiative (climateactionlondon.ca)

Marlene Wyatt, Calvary Green's pollinator garden coordinator, is looking for a co-chair, no gardening experience necessary, just a willingness to learn. More volunteers will be needed this Spring to assist with the initial planting, and ongoing maintenance (ie. watering, weeding) over the summer. A sign-up schedule re times and dates will be made available.

Green Sacred Spaces, London will be hosting a Spring Equinox Celebration in Victoria Park on March 21st. Everyone is to meet at the bandshell at 5 pm (5-6:30 pm). A multi faith and cultural drumming circle led by Tracey Whiteye and drummers from Ireland, Nicaragua, Iran and more will be there. Come out to celebrate our beautiful Earth. All are welcome, young and young at heart and drumming is encouraged.

REMINDER - Please support the ongoing plastic bags and used batteries collection in the hallway annex. Metro has plastic bag recycling bins in all stores (no foil or chip bags). Milk bags also collected in separate bins at church will eventually be made into sleeping mats for the homeless. Used batteries  can also be taken to all Lowe's, Rona and Home Depot locations. Recycling boxes are provided at service desk.

            Be Mindful and Choose Green

Fundscrip shopping/gift card fundraiser has resumed. Our next bi-weekly order date is Sunday, March 27th with cards available for distribution the following Sunday or by prior arrangement with Nancy Hind. To cut down on paper waste, order forms will be available by request only. You can go to http://www.fundscrip.com to find out what retailers' cards are available, including our past favourites. To order, send Nancy an email listing what cards you want. Or you can write a note and give it to Nancy along with payment. Cheques are made out to Calvary United Church. Alternately you can set yourself up on Fundscrip site as a group supporter of Calvary United Church, London, Invitation Code JVFQUX, then order and pay directly on-line via credit card (our profit is reduced by 1.99%fee for using credit cards) or by EFT (free but you need to apply ahead of time to set up Electronic Fund Transfer and orders must be placed in time for Fundscrip to receive payment by 9:00 am on Monday). Contact Nancy Hind (nancyhind@rogers.com) with any questions or for further details.

 Further order dates are April 10th; April 24th; May 8th; May 22nd; June 5th; June 19th.

 Spring Cleaning? Plans are underway for our Fall Bazaar, Saturday November 5, all being well. It will include Gently Used items, books, puzzles and plants. So if you have some suitable items we hope you can hold onto them until we can collect them at church. We have an immediate need for 3 inch and 5 inch plastic garden pots (yogurt containers are OK) to start some new plants. These can be dropped off in the box in the hallway immediately. Thanks!


•           Calvary Green, March 14 at 1:30pm on Zoom

•           Trustees, March 15 at 7:30 on Zoom

•           Bible Study, Thursday, March 17 at 11am on Zoom

•           UCW, Thursday, March 17 at 2 pm in Church Parlour and Zoom

Bible Study:

 Thursdays: 11:00 am - 12 Noon

Scripture Readings - Psalm 63: 1-8; Luke 13: 1-9

  Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 63: verses 1a, 4  from the New International Version (NIV) translation:

O God, you are my God, I earnestly seek you,

I will praise you as long as I live;

     and in your name I will lift up my hands. 

  Prayer for the Week:

Providing God,

      During this season of Lent we are reminded of your love for us.

      When we feel empty and in need, open our hearts

       to the daily grace you provide us. 

      Help us to be grateful for all you give

      through your never-ending love.  Amen.


Kim Knowles