January 14, 2025

Calvary Compass – January 14, 2025 - Calvary United Church, www.calvaryuc.ca  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

Winter has set in with lots of snow and cold weather. Hopefully you are staying warm and not over exerting yourselves shoveling or snow blowing. Some are even escaping to the South to warmer weather.

Please be aware of special presentation about Fraud Protection at CHAMPION this Wednesday. All are welcome!

This Sunday, we are having a pulpit exchange with Rev. Christina Paradela from Riverside UC at Calvary and Rev. Kerry at Riverside UC. Welcome Rev. Christina!


Worship Services are all live-streamed: 

•           January 19  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsQsQCSwB90

 NOTE: The same links will work to view the recorded service, in case you are unable to watch the live-stream.

 Recorded service for January 12 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShxnbsCkGfg



A person is coming to speak at CHAMPION this Wednesday, January 15th at 1pm in regards to Fraud Protection. It should be an interesting presentation. Everyone is welcome to come and hear this speaker and learn ways to prevent being taken by a fraudster. You do not have to be a member of CHAMPION to attend.


Please write up your annual reports and send them to Kim by Tuesday, February 4th so that she can collate them and prepare the booklet containing the various reports before the Annual Meeting. Please note that submissions should use the Arial font and 12 pt. size. Do not format with page numbers, headers or footers.



Frozen food sales will continue throughout the winter. There will be a sale table at the Sunday Socials after church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays every month or orders can be placed by contacting Marg LaRocque by email at  mglarocque@rogers.com

or by phone at 519-681-7810.

The available frozen food items are:

•           Lentil Vegetable Soup - 2 cups for $4

•           Comfort Soup ( ground beef and vegetables) - 2 cups for $5

•           Calvary Beans (baked bean medley) - 2 cups for $6

•           Turkey Tetrazzini ( ready to be baked) 6"X8" pan for $10

•           Apple Crisp ( ready to be baked ) 6"X8" ) pan for $8



The Outreach Committee will collect non-perishables for the London Community Chaplaincy throughout the entire year with the exception of July and August. These items are shared between both locations - Southdale and Limberlost, but are dropped off at the Southdale location periodically, as they have a larger storage area. Occasionally we provide updates/suggestions regarding items currently needed. Breakfast items, such as boxed cereals, oatmeal, peanut butter, juice boxes and nut free school snacks ( eg. granola bars) are some of the highest need items. As always, thanks for your continued support and generosity!

Bonnie and Karen

Co Chairs of Outreach



Thank you for your generous donations of mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and socks. We filled two giant garbage bags, two medium sized boxes and several smaller bags to go the London Community Chaplaincy. They will be shared with the residents of both Southdale and Limberlost. With this cold and snow, they will definitely need these articles. The 2025 calendars collected also went with everything. Thank you to Bonnie McNichol for delivering the items.


Meetings this Week:

    * CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 -3:30 pm

    * Church Council  - Wednesday - 7:00 pm via Zoom

    * Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon via Zoom

    * Book Club - Monday - 7:30 pm via Zoom


 Bible Study:

Scripture Readings - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and John 2:1-11


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 36: 8 -10 from the New Revised Standard Updated Edition Translation

            How precious is your steadfast love, O God!

            All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

            They feast on the abundance of your house,

            and give them drink from the river of your delights.

            For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

            O continue your steadfast love to those who know you

            and your salvation to the upright of heart!


 Prayer for the Week:

            God, you are the

            perfect light of revelation,

            as you shone in the life of Jesus,

            whose epiphany we celebrate,

            so shine in us and through us,

            that we may continue to be beacons of truth and compassion,

            enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and mercy.

            In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Prayer Focus: For those waiting for a diagnosis.


Kim Knowles