June 25, 2024

Calvary Compass – June 25, 2024 - Calvary United Church, www.calvaryuc.ca  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

 This coming Sunday, Rev Kerry and Rev. Michelle Owens are making a pulpit switch. Rev. Kerry will be conducting the worship service at White Oaks United Church and Rev. Michelle Owens will be conducting Calvary's Worship Service. Please come out and welcome Rev. Michelle.

There is no Sunday School until September. There will be paper activities for the children to do at the back of the sanctuary when attending church during the summer.

The next edition of the Compass will be Wednesday, July 3rd. The Church Office will be closed at noon on Friday, June 28th and re-open on Wednesday, July 3rd due to the Canada Day long weekend.

Canada Day is July 1st. Take time give thanks for the freedoms we take for granted and also as a nation of peoples, from coast to coast, who are moving forward to enable everyone to be their best in all things. Happy Canada Day!

Congratulations to Praise Soewu who was confirmed this past Sunday.

During the summer, we hope that you will be able to take time to enjoy yourselves whether vacationing at the cottage or travelling or camping or enjoying the slower pace of life at home. Stay safe, healthy and cool!


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

June 30 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWKNlze7oM8

July 7 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg1hmZpnHps

July 14 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=115XKiUj4ZY

Recorded service for June 23 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esNlucUqu90



The long-awaited bench for the secret garden has arrived and is now installed. Marlene Wyatt and Lyse Geldard check it out to make sure that others will be comfortable sitting on it!



There will be no collection of non-perishable items during July and August. It will resume in September.



CHAMPION will meet this Wednesday, June 26th. However during the summer, the group is only getting together four times - July 10th; July 24th; August 7th and August 21st. It will be a more casual time in which people can come, play some games or just chat with your friends. People are asked to bring their own water container or treats if they wish to share with the others. Those wishing to play pickle ball are welcome to come and use the equipment.  Please remember that a member of Calvary always has to be in attendance due to the church's insurance policy.


London's Pride Parade is Sunday, July 21st. Contact Rev. Kerry or the office if you wish to participate.



The Children's Aid Society of London is looking for people willing to be foster parents for children from newborns to age 18. Unfortunately, the Society is facing a crisis and in need of more foster parents and homes since they are running out of homes for even the youngest. Many children are being placed out-of-town or in group homes because of the shortage. The C.A.S. values adults of any age, from younger adults to seniors who are retired and have flexible schedules. They also appreciate people who can offer anything from respite care for a couple of days at a time or can provide full-time care to children. The Children's Aid Society provides plenty of support, training opportunities and guaranteed financial compensation.

If you wish more information, please contact Caitlin MacInnes (caitlin.macinnes@caslondon.on.ca) - Resource Worker -Recruitment, Inquiry, Assessment & Training



Is housework not really your thing?  Need a little help with spring or summer cleaning?

Josephine is available to help. You can reach her at 226 977 9870

or email Josephine at temitopesoewu@gmail.com


 Meetings this week:

    * CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm

    * Bible Study - Thursday – 11:00 – 12 noon via Zoom


Bible Study:

 Mark 5: 21 -43


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 130: 1 -4  New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

            Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.

                Lord, hear my voice!

            Let your ears be attentive

                to the voice of my supplications!


            If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,

                Lord, who could stand?

            But there is forgiveness with you,

                so that you may be revered.


            I wait for the Lord; my soul waits,

                and in his word I hope;

            my soul waits for the Lord

                more than those who watch for the morning,

                more than those who watch for the morning.


 Prayer for the Week:

            Both in our weeping and in our joy, O God of hope, you are with us.

            Even when our hearts are overwhelmed either in the good or the

            not so good, you are with us. May we always share your healing

            presence with a world in need of hope and peace. Amen.

Kim Knowles