March 7, 2023

Calvary Compass – March 7, 2023 - Calvary United Church,  


Dear Friends of Calvary,

This coming weekend, we turn our clocks ahead one hour - "Spring Ahead". It is also the beginning of March Break for our elementary and secondary students. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and it will be a good week off for them, their teachers and families

This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of Lent and is also Gratitude Sunday. Gratitude Sunday is where we recognize and identify the ways in which we express gratitude to God and the many individuals who have contributed to our community of faith. As we return to “normal” let us raise our voices in praise for God’s blessings for our community of faith and our call to serve in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to Bill Butt who is the newly appointed Chairperson of Church Council. He will provide excellent leadership over the next 3 years.


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

•           March 12 -

      (Gratitude Sunday)

•           March 19 -

•           Recorded service for March 5 -


Submissions deadline for Easter Catalyst is: Tuesday March 14th, 2023.

All articles, photos, inspiration, poem, reports, updates, letter to the editor, announcements, book reviews, etc. are welcome

Send your submissions to

If submitting photos containing people, please make sure that they have signed a photo permission form ( or have them sign one.). Attached are two forms: adults and child under 18.

This issue will be distributed by email. A printed copy will be mailed to those without email.



Non-perishables needed for London Community Chaplaincy (Southdale location)

Currently there is a need for breakfast items at the Chaplaincy, such as cold cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter and juice boxes. The Outreach Committee is continually grateful for the generosity of Calvary's congregation. Please put your donations in the container provided in the hallway. Thank you to Bonnie and Brian McNichol for taking our donations to the Chaplaincy.



Why should we care about CLIMATE CHANGE?

    1. The science is clear that the course we are on is NOT SUSTAINABLE.

    2. It is everyone's responsibility to take action to correct our course.

    3. Municipalities are uniquely positioned to act on a plan for sustainable future through strong climate action. They are dealing first hand with the impacts of climate change on infrastructure for basic needs ( drinking water, waste water, garbage disposal, transportation). Municipalities need to act quickly in the interests of everyone.


The City of London released its Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) in early 2022. Now is the time to act! Climate Action London has partnered with a number of local groups on a new online campaign..."Connect with London Climate Plan" which aims to gather 10,000 (online) signatures from city residents interested in reducing their ecological footprint.

CONNECT with the London Climate Plan. It will only take a minute! Show support for Action and explore options to Connect with your community (

Living the Green Rule... do unto the Earth as you would have it do to you.


Supporting the Lenten Project, Emily is selling her handmade jewelry, artwork, and other crafts. Please see Emily after Sunday’s services during Lent to view her items and make a purchase that would look great in your home or office. Thank you Emily for your support of the Lenten Project.



We encourage you to submit prayer requests for family, friends, and neighbours that you are concerned about! Prayer requests are sent to the members of our prayer circle on a regular basis. On Sundays, prayers requests can be submitted through the prayer request box that is on the credenza in the west end of the sanctuary. Prayer request cards are located next to the wooden box. You are welcome to write down the name or names of those in need of prayer and put the card in the box or on the offering plate on Sunday morning. We guarantee your privacy. You can also email Rev. Kerry at with your prayer request.


Meetings this Week:

•           CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm

•           Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon


Bible Study:

Thursday - 11:00 -12 Noon

Scripture Readings: John 4: 5-42      


Psalm for the week:

Psalm 95 verses 1-3, 7 (from the New Revised Standard Version translation)

O come, let us sing to the Lord;

    let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;

    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

For the Lord is a great God,

    and a great King above all gods.

For he is our God,

    and we are the people of his pasture,

    and the sheep of his hand.


Prayer for the Week:

Great and wondrous God,

you are the height, depth, width, and strength of the sky and the earth.

You wrap us in sunlight and ground us in the potential of your good earth.

Open our hearts to the wonder of your care so that

we may care for others in your name.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.




Kim Knowles