September 10, 2024

Calvary Compass – September 10, 2024 - Calvary United Church,  

Dear Friends of Calvary,

Hopefully on Thursday, September 12th, the Inspector will come and approve our lift/elevator so that it will be available for all those that need to use it to get to various parts of the church. If there is an issue, Kim will notify people if it is not operational for the Sunday, September 15th Worship Service.

Calvary is starting to get busy again with several church and outside groups coming in to use our facilities. It is good to have a busy church. Kim has a list of who is using what rooms and at what time in case you need to use a space for a meeting or gathering. It is important to always book it with Kim.

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After Kathie Leigh’s announcement on Sunday about the Harvest Dinner on Sept. 22nd, Rev. Kerry incorrectly stated that the Canadian Foodgrains Bank also helps with food insecurity for Canadians.  Here is the correct information from the CFGB website:

“Hunger and food insecurity are problems in Canada as well as in developing countries. The mandate of Canadian Foodgrains Bank is to address hunger in developing countries. However, the CFGB vision of a world without hunger includes all people, including Canadians. We encourage Canadians to support ending hunger, wherever it exists. Many of our member churches and supporting congregations are actively involved in addressing hunger in Canada through other programs.”

Rev. Kerry apologizes for the error.  He looks forward to seeing you at the Harvest Dinner on Sept. 22nd at 5pm as Calvary continues to support CFGB in educating and feeding developing countries. 


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

September 15th -

September 22nd -

NOTE: The same links will work to view the recorded service, in case you are unable to watch the live-stream.

Recorded service for September 8th

To All Social Bridge Players   

Calvary Bridge is starting with tea/coffee, dessert and cards in the Parlour on Thursday, Sept 26th at 1:00 pm. New players are welcome. We are looking for one more player to make an eighth pair. If you are available or know of anyone please let me know. We play once a month for 8 months. Please call Julie Downes at 519 433-5155 if you plan to attend. Hope to see you on the 26th!



We will again be meeting in the Meeting Room this week. If you are interested in learning to do some art journaling, Tricia Edgar will be leading a group on both September 18th and 25th. The cost is $5 to help cover costs for journal. This week, we will be learning about Calvary's pollinator gardens with Lyse Geldard and Marlene Wyatt and will also be having a tour of the gardens. Everyone in the congregation is invited to learn more about the gardens.



Harvest Dinner is on September 22nd. Tickets can be purchased at the back of the sanctuary this Sunday, September 15th

or from Kim in the church office or at Tuckey's Hardware.



                     Calvary's 2024 Fundraising for Canadian Foodgrains Bank

1. Donation envelopes are available in the church sanctuary and can be put into the offering plates OR dropped off OR mailed to the Church office at :

               Calvary United Church

               290 Ridout St. S. London, Ontario N6C  3Z1

2. Make cheque payable to " Canadian Foodgrains Bank"

3. Write "Caradoc Growing Project " in the Memo line in the bottom, left hand corner of the cheque.

4. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Cheques must NOT be made out to the church as there is no way to process them.

5. E-transferring a donation is possible.

E-transfer to It is imperative that your full address and postal code be included in the message box in order to receive a tax receipt.

Please also indicate donation is from Calvary United Church.

6. Donations should be submitted by October 27, 2024.

7. Tax receipts will be issued by CFGB, not Calvary U.C. 

Thank you for your support.


Update from the Stewardship and Finance Committee

As Calvary's present financial situation is unfavourable, the Stewardship and Finance Committee wants to keep the congregation informed of our current situation.

Calvary United Church Operating Fund as of August 31, 2024:

Current Operating Revenue          $ 132,477

Current Operating Expenses         $ 176,925

Current Year Operating Deficit      $  -44,448



•           CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm - will be held in the Meeting Room. Please use the ramp door off of Garfield.

•           Outreach Meeting – Friday at 9am on Zoom


There is no Bible Study this week.



Psalm 116 1 -2, 59 New International Version translation


          I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;

               he heard my cry for mercy.

          Because he turned his ear to me,

                I will call on him as long as I live.


           The Lord is gracious and righteous;

                our God is full of compassion.

            The Lord protects the unwary;

                when I was brought low, he saved me.

            Return to your rest, my soul,

                for the Lord has been good to you.

            For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,

                my eyes from tears,

                my feet from stumbling,

            that I may walk before the Lord

                in the land of the living.



                God of abiding love and faithfulness,

                you promise to watch over our going out and our

                coming in now and forever.

                Strengthen our faith to serve you and all creation with a

                deeper sense of love and hope each day. Open us to new

                possibilities that you have prepared for our journey.

                In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Kim Knowles