September 4, 2024

Calvary Compass – September 4, 2024 - Calvary United Church,  

Dear Friends of Calvary,

Unfortunately, the lift/elevator will not be available for use until after the Thursday, September 12th inspection by a certified inspector. A part had to come from Texas. Therefore, the lift/elevator will not be available for those needing it for the Sunday, September 8th Worship Service.

The Compass is back to weekly editions now that our young people are back in school and our Fall activities are starting to commence again.

Kim Knowles is back to her regular office hours - Tuesday - Thursday - 9:00 am - 12 Noon and 1:00 - 4:30pm and Fridays - 9:00 am - 12 Noon.

Rev. Kerry has returned from his vacation.

This Sunday we welcome our friends The Legacy Players (formerly The Covenant Players). Their short dramas present the good news of Jesus. Come and experience where the spirit is made alive for each of us. The Legacy Players come to London after many kilometers on the roadways of Canada and the U.S. 

We ask that you assist in a Love Offering that enables them to cover their travel expenses.

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 Unfortunately, there is sad news to share with the Calvary community. Gerda Jensen passed away on August 20, 2024. Gerda was a member of Calvary for several years and a member of the Second Milers. Her memorial service was at the Village Green Community Church on August 27th. She was living at Oak Crossings before her death. Her obituary is available on the Woodland Cemetery site.

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4


Worship Services are all live-streamed:

September 8th -

NOTE: The same links will work to view the recorded service, in case you are unable to watch the live-stream.

 Recorded service for September 1st

 Thank you to Ken McLagan and his helpers Praise Soewu, Tim Lindsay, Ben Maiolino, and Heather Meatherall who have helped with the live-streaming over the summer and continue to help. Also thank you to Kim Knowles who puts together the power point slides that are shown on the screens and live-streaming.  There are a lot of people involved in putting together and operating the live-stream. Rev. Kerry makes the decisions about the service, and Denise chooses the appropriate music. Thank you to everyone involved in the live-streaming and service.



 Plastic Pot Recycling Event

Where: Heemans - 20422 Nissouri Road

When: September 6th, 7th, 8th (11am - 3pm)

Accepting horticultural containers, flats, inserts, pots, etc. (Please remove excess planting material, etc. and please rinse)

Proceeds of sale will benefit London Environmental Network (LEN)



After 73 years in operation the Calvary Nursery School has closed permanently. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Education has changed their policies and all Child Care Centres who are not part of CWELCC ( Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care ) program will lose their  funding as of January 1st, 2025. Without this government funding, the school could not remain financially stable.  The rules and policies of CWELCC were found to be too restrictive and not manageable for a small centre such as Calvary Nursery School .For example, there would be an increase in reporting that would require a full time administrator and a full-time book keeper plus changes in funding. Closing the school appeared to be the only option. A more detailed account of the Nursery School will be in the Catalyst. We will miss hearing the voices of the little ones and seeing them playing in the green space.


To All Social Bridge Players    Calvary Bridge is starting with tea/coffee, dessert and cards in the Parlour on Thursday, Sept 26th at 1:00 pm. New players are welcome. We are looking for one more player to make an eighth pair. If you are available or know of anyone please let me know. We play once a month for 8 months. Please call Julie Downes at 519 4335155 if you plan to attend. Hope to see you on the 26th!



The Outreach Committee will collect non-perishables for the London Community Chaplaincy throughout the entire year, with the exception of July and August. These items are shared between both locations - Southdale and Limberlost, but are dropped off at Southdale location periodically, as they have a larger storage area. Occasionally we provide updates/suggestions regarding items currently needed. Breakfast items, such as boxed cereals, oatmeal, peanut butter, juice boxes and nut free school snacks (eg. granola bars and fruit cups) are some of the highest needed items. As always, thanks for your continued support and generosity!

Bonnie and Karen

Co-Chairs of Outreach Committee



Because the lift/elevator is still not operational, CHAMPION will be meeting in the Meeting Room this afternoon. The organizing committee has arranged several interesting speakers and activities to do and hear in the next few months. On September 18th, Tricia Edgar will be leading an art group in journal making. The cost is $5 and you have to sign up in advance. Check out Calvary's webpage for other activities that will be happening this Fall.


Harvest Dinner

Harvest Dinner is on September 22nd. Tickets are also available at Tuckey Hardware store on Wortley and the Church Office.



                     Calvary's 2024 Fundraising for Canadian Foodgrains Bank

 1. Donation envelopes are available in the church sanctuary and can be put into the offering plates OR dropped off OR mailed to the Church office at :

               Calvary United Church

               290 Ridout St. S. London, Ontario N6C  3Z1

2. Make cheque payable to " Canadian Foodgrains Bank"

3. Write "Caradoc Growing Project " in the Memo line in the bottom, left hand corner of the cheque.

4. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Cheques must NOT be made out to the church as there is no way to process them.

5. E-transferring a donation is possible.

E-transfer to It is imperative that your full address and postal code be included in the message box in order to receive a tax receipt.

Please also indicate donation is from Calvary United Church.

 6. Donations should be submitted by October 27, 2024.

7. Tax receipts will be issued by CFGB, not Calvary U.C.


Thank you for your support.


Meetings this Week:

•           CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm - will be held in the Meeting Room. Please enter through the ramp door on Garfield.

•           Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 -12 Noon via Zoom

•           Stewardship and Finance – Monday – 7pm on Zoom

•           Property Committee – Monday – 2pm in Church Parlour


Bible Study:

Bible reading for September 5: Mark 7: 24-37


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 146 selected verses from the New Revised Standard Version translation


Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul!

I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all my life long.


The LORD opens the eyes of the blind.

The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.

The LORD watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow,

but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.

The LORD will reign forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD!


Prayer for the Week:

Holy and Mighty God,

we give you thanks for your steadfast and abundant love that endures forever.

Thankful for your deep and generous love, we ask you to encourage and embolden our living to reflect your compassionate and life-giving love.  Amen. 



Kim Knowles