September 17, 2024

Calvary Compass – September 17, 2024 - Calvary United Church,  



Dear Friends of Calvary,

 The warm weather seems to have returned. Fortunately, the nights are cooler for sleeping.

 Our lift/elevator is back working again. There are new rules for operating the lift/elevator. Please make sure that you have your key with you since you will be required to use it on the outside of the lift and also the inside of the lift to get you to the floor that you wish. The lift/elevator also now has a telephone in case there are issues and you need to call someone on the list to come and help you. (The list is located on the wall in the lift/elevator.)

 You will notice that Property and the electricians have been busy. There are now several automatic push buttons to open certain doors to make it more accessible for everyone. Thank you! This project was paid for with the Accessibility Grant that we received from the government.

 The Harvest Dinner is this coming Sunday evening. If you have not already purchased your ticket(s), I would advise you to do so before the dinner. There are a limited number of tickets and if all are sold before Sunday, you may not be able to get a ticket at the door.


Save the Date:  Jazz Vespers returns on Wed. October 2nd at 7pm.


 Worship Services are all live-streamed:

September 22nd -

 NOTE: The same links will work to view the recorded service, in case you are unable to watch the live-stream.


Recorded service for September 15th -


 To All Social Bridge Players    Calvary Bridge is starting with tea/coffee, dessert and cards in the Parlour on Thursday, Sept 26th at 1:00 pm. New players are welcome. We are looking for one more player to make an eighth pair. If you are available or know of anyone please let me know. We play once a month for 8 months. Please call Julie Downes at 519 433-5155 if you plan to attend. Hope to see you on the 26th!



We are back meeting in the Parlour now that the lift/elevator is working. Tricia Edgar will be leading an Art Journaling Class this Wednesday and the following Wednesday. There are already 11 registered for it. The rest of the group will be able to play cards, other games, help with bedrolls or just enjoy conversation with each other. If you want to play pickleball, there is a group that come at 11:30 am before CHAMPION to play in the lower hall. The church has all of the necessary equipment so just come to play.


Harvest Dinner on September 22nd. Tickets can be purchased from Kim Knowles in the church office or at Tuckey Hardware.



                    Calvary's 2024 Fundraising for Canadian Foodgrains Bank


1. Donation envelopes are available in the church sanctuary and can be put into the offering plates OR dropped off OR mailed to the Church office at :

               Calvary United Church

               290 Ridout St. S. London, Ontario N6C  3Z1

2. Make cheque payable to " Canadian Foodgrains Bank"

3. Write "Caradoc Growing Project " in the Memo line in the bottom, left hand corner of the cheque.

4. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Cheques must NOT be made out to the church as there is no way to process them.

5. E-transferring a donation is possible.

E-transfer to It is imperative that your full address and postal code be included in the message box in order to receive a tax receipt.

Please also indicate donation is from Calvary United Church.

 6. Donations should be submitted by October 27, 2024.

7. Tax receipts will be issued by CFGB, not Calvary U.C.


Thank you for your support.


Wesley-Knox is having an evening of

Greek Cuisine and Culture

on Sunday Sept 29, 2024

Tickets in advance only - $25 per person

To purchase your tickets call 519 200 8608 or email:

See attached poster for details.


Meetings this Week:

    * Trustees Meeting - Tuesday- 7:30 pm - via Zoom

    * CHAMPION - Wednesday - 1:00 - 3:30 pm in the parlour

    * Church Council Meeting - Wednesday - 7:00 pm - via Zoom

    * Bible Study - Thursday - 11:00 am - 12 Noon - via Zoom


 Bible Study:

Scripture Reading: Mark 9: 30-37


Psalm for the Week:

Psalm 1: 1 -3 New Revised Standard Version updated edition

            Happy are those

                who do not follow the advice of the wicked

            or take the path that sinners tread

                or sit in the seat of the scoffers,

            but their delight is in the law of the Lord,

                and on his law they mediate day and night.

            They are like trees

                planted by streams of water,

            which yield their fruit in its season,

                and their leaves do not wither.

            In all that they do, they prosper.


Prayer for the Week:

O Holy and Loving God,

you listen to all and you know what is written upon our hearts.

You hear and feel our anguish and our pain, our joys and our celebrations.

Rekindle in us a sense of deep thanksgiving that there is nothing in

our hearts that is hidden from you. You are our strength and our comfort.

Now and always. Amen.


New!: Focus for your daily prayers: Pray for Peace in the Middle East

This new item in the Compass is for those that have a practice of praying at home, whether it be daily, weekly or even monthly. We often pray for family,

friends and neighbours and occasionally need reminder that there are other situations or places in the world that could use our prayers as well.

Rev. Kerry will offer a "focus for our daily prayers" in the Compass weekly.

The focus will change based on world and local situations.



Kim Knowles